A part of the material from Hellenistic Budva reached the Archaeological Collection as a gift from Mrs. Leposava Aleksić Zarić. As part of her legacy to the National Museum in Kraljevo, out of 87 objects that belong to archeology, 11 originate from the Budva necropolis. Among them, next to the vessels, there is a terracotta, 9 cm high. It is about a naked figure of the goddess Aphrodite wearing a himation, a cloak, standing with a bird in her hand. The figure of the goddess is oval with summarized facial features. The figures lack legs, while only the beginning of the legs is preserved from the bird, the body is missing. Terracotta is made in a mold of well-refined clay; traces of red are preserved on the front. Its primary purpose is religious, so that such terracotta tiles were found as attachments in graves, as in this case, but also as votive gifts in temples or as decorations in houses.