The Italian part of Milena’s career began in 1932, with the first, and ended in 1937 with the second solo exhibition. She had the first in the “Galleria dʼarte di Roma” and the second in the “Galleria della Cometa”. The repercussions were great, as the exhibitions in Rome were received as a social event. Before that, her participation in group exhibitions can be noticed. In that period, Milena paints her dreams and riots, being inspired by certain De Kirik’s symbols and metaphysical narrative. From there, on her canvas, broken ancient pillars, angels, living and dead busts, fans, veils, self-portraits, heads of Greek gods and emperors, accentuated Renaissance reminiscences and enigmatic atmospheres emerge for the first time. In this way, Milena creates personal iconography and expression, which is reflected in detail in the painting “Enigmatic Composition with a Female Figure, Pillar and a Tree” which can be seen in the exhibition “Milena Pavlović Barilli – Life and Dreams”.

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