While during the 16th century the coast was dominated by Cretan art, in the hinterland the strongest center of art development was the area of northwestern Greece. From the workshop in Ohrid, perhaps at the Archdiocese, came the Royal doors, created as a product of high spiritual and artistic culture during the time of Archbishop Prohor (1525-1550). They are considered to be part of a group of royal doors created in the first half of the 16th century. Shortly after the collapse of the Serbian medieval state, especially after Peć came under the jurisdiction of Ohrid (1464), the Ohrid archbishops began to consider themselves the church leaders of the Serbs. “Archbishop of Bulgarians, Serbs, Vlachs and others” also appears in their titles, which is why the Cyrillic alphabet was periodically used in this area. This explains the comparative use of Greek and Old Slavic letters on these doors.

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