<a href="https://nmkv.rs/about/employees/natalija-popovic/?lang=en">Natalija Popović</a>

Natalija Popović





Natalija Popović (1973) graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Priština with its temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica, with a bachelor’s degree in history (2012). She completed her professional practice in the Historical Archives in Kraljevo, where she worked as an archives assistant (2013–2015). After that, she worked as a journalist – associate in the electronic and print editions of “Vrnjačke novine” at the Cultural Centre in Vrnjačka Banja (2016–2019). In May 2019, she started working at the National Museum Kraljevo, at the position of librarian, where she assumed all responsibilities in the field of library activities. She worked as an associate in the preparation of the book “Kraljevo in Daily Newspapers 1904-1908“ by Slavoljub Maržik as well as in the research on the topic“70 Years of Basketball Club ’Sloga’“. She gained the title of Curator (2020).


2019 – Under the Raised Curtain, 70 Years of Artistic Work of the Kraljevo Theater, National Museum Kraljevo, author: Mirjana Savić; associate: Natalija Popović.

Scientific Conferences

2021 – Трећи научни скуп Библиотеке и идентитет, Градска библиотека Панчево, Редакција Читалиште, Панчево; Мирјана Савић, Наталија Поповић: Др Милан Матијевић – личност која обележава време и бележи о времену.


  • Мирјана Савић, Наталија Поповић, Др Милан Матијевић – личност која обележава време и бележи о времену, у: Библиотеке и идентитет, Зборник научног скупа, Панчево: Панчевачко читалиште (у штампи).
  • Mирјана Савић, Наталија Поповић, Испод подигнуте завесе, 70 година уметничког рада Краљевачког позоришта, каталог изложбе, Краљево: Народни музеј; Краљевачко позориште, 2019.

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