Slađana Spasić (1974) graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade with a bachelor’s degree in archaeology (1999). She started working at the National Museum in Kraljevo in 2000. She earned the titles Curator (2001) and Senior Curator (2017). She is in charge of the Numismatic Collection within the Group for Archaeology and Numismatics, where she simultaneously performs a series of jobs relating both to the Archaeological Collection and to the systematisation and processing of study material from archaeological excavations, organisation of the archaeological storage room, etc. She has been a member of the team in many archaeological excavations carried out by the National Museum Kraljevo. She is the author of a number of numismatic and other exhibitions as well as an associate in several exhibition projects. She is the author of archaeological and numismatic workshops for secondary school students in the National Library “Stefan Prvovenčani“ in Kraljevo. She is a member of several professional associations.
Archaeological Excavations
2010 – Excavation of the medieval necropolis of Crkvina and the giant cemetery in the village of Obrva near Kraljevo; team member.
2007 – Excavation of the La Tène settlement Divlje Polje in Ratina near Kraljevo; team member.
2006 – Excavation of the multi-layered site Meanište and Panjevac in Čukojevac near Kraljevo: team member.
2002, 2003 – Excavation of the ancient necropolis Lanište in Korlać near Baljevac in Raška; team member.
2002, 2008 – Excavation of the late antique fortress Gradište in Čukojevac near Kraljevo; team member.
2002 – Excavation of the multi-layered settlement of Crkvine in Konarevo near Kraljevo; team member.
Authored Exhibitions
2018 – Legacy of Leposava Aleksić Zarić, Part of the Dunjić Collection, National Museum Kraljevo.
2017 – Symbols on Coins, Acquisitions of the Numismatic Collection of the National Museum in Kraljevo, National Museum Kraljevo.
2016 – Serbian Manuscripts from XII to XVII – Collection of Copies of the National Museum Kraljevo, National Museum Kraljevo.
2015 – Milorad S. Jović – First Director of the National Museum in Kraljevo National Museum Kraljevo, authors: Oleg Romanov, Slađana Spasić.
2015 – Serbian Medieval Coinage, National Museum Kraljevo.
2003 – Coins of Serbia, Montenegro and Yugoslavia 1868-1941, National Museum Kraljevo.
Associate on Exhibitions
2014 – Helen the Great Queen, Seven Centuries since the Death of Queen Helen 1314-2014, National Museum Kraljevo.
2013 – Growing up in Kraljevo in the XIX and XX Centuries, National Museum Kraljevo.
2008 – Archaeology Hall, Permanent Exhibition of the National Museum Kraljevo.
Organization of Exhibitions
2006 – Coins in China, exhibition of the Embassy of China, visit to the National Museum Kraljevo.
Membership in Professional Associations
- Since 2010 – Member of the Serbian Museum Association.
- Since 2003 – Member of the Serbian Archaeological Society.
- Since 2001 – Member of the Serbian Numismatic Society.
- Легат Лепосаве Алексић Зарић – део Колекције Дуњић, каталог изложбе, ур. Татјана Михаиловић, Краљево: Народни музеј, 2018.
- Симболи на новцу – Аквизиције Нумизматичке збирке Народног музеја у Краљеву, каталог изложбе, Краљево: Народни музеј, 2017.
- Српске рукописне књиге од XII дo XVII – Збирка копија Народног музеја Краљево, каталог изложбе, Краљево: Народни музеј, 2016.
- Српски средњовековни новац, каталог изложбе, Краљево: Народни музеј, 2016.
- Слађана Спасић, Олег Романов, Милорад С. Јовић – први управник Народног музеја у Краљеву , каталог изложбе, Краљево: Народни музеј, 2015.
- Нострификоване новчанице из Нумизматичке збирке Народног музеја у Краљеву, Наша прошлост 15 (2014), 235–255.
- Одељење за нумизматику, у: Народни музеј Краљево, ур. Д. Драшковић, Т. Михаиловић, С. Новчић, Краљево: Народни музеј, 2014, 74–79.
- Новац као гробни прилог са античке некрополе у Бистрици, Наша прошлост 11 (2010), 201–218.
- Српски средњовековни новац у Нумизматичкој збирци Народног музеја Краљево, Наша прошлост 10 (2009), 169–182.
- Римски и византијски новац са локалитета Градиште у Чукојевцу код Краљева, Наша прошлост 8 (2007), 9–16.
- Налази новца на античкој некрополи Ланиште код Баљевца, Наша прошлост 6, 2005, 117–139.
- Новац Србије, Црне Горе и Југославије 1868–1941, каталог изложбе, Краљево: Народни музеј, 2003.