At the exhibition of illustrations by the Center for the Promotion of Science in Belgrade, entitled “Behind Objectivity / Visual Metaphors in Science”, visitors will have the opportunity to view the works of 28 illustrators, designers and artists published in the popular science magazine “Elements”. The aim of the exhibition is to point out the continuity between science and art, using the example of the visualization of scientific content, as well as the fact that every kind of visualization of science relies on artistic interpretation, regardless of whether it is illustrations that are traditionally classified as strictly “scientific” or as strictly “artistic”. Through the modern visual language of illustrations, the authors of which are the most famous graphic artists from Serbia and the region, the audience will have the opportunity to learn about numerous unexpected connections between science, our everyday life, worldview and society as a whole through nine thematic units.
The author of the exhibition concept is Ivan Umeljić, while the exhibition was designed by Monika Lang.