The film “Prince Lazar – Man Whose Name Is Remembered Through the Centuries” by author and director Marko Marinković, based on the script by Stefan Andrejić, shows the life of Prince Lazar, from his birth in Prilepce until his death in Kosovo, and the transfer of his relics to the Ravanica Monastery. Throughout the film, we are guided by the host and narrator who visits important medieval cities in Central Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija that Lazar himself could have visited. He also resides in Skopje, Jedreni and Bursa. Eminent experts in the fields of social history, military history, church history and archaeology speak in the film. In order to better experience the period, the story is accompanied by animation as a feature and visual effects. The audience will have the opportunity to talk with director Marko Marinković after the screening.