Thematic guidance through the exhibition “Femina Balcanica: Mater, Matrona, Augusta, Dea. Woman on the Balkans in Antiquity” of the National Museum of Serbia, which refers to the topic “Woman in a Roman Family”, will be organized on Wednesday, March 6th, Friday, March 8th, 2024, at 6 p.m., as well as on Saturday, March 9th, 2024, at 11 a.m. Tatjana Mihailović, PhD, museum advisor of the National Museum Kraljevo, and art historian Jelena Marković will guide you through the part of the exhibition that relates to the place and role of women in the Roman family.
The basis of Roman society was the family (familia), which does not correspond to today’s understanding of that term. She was much more. It was also the legal basis of the social unit – patria potestas, which brought together a larger group of people within one household. What was the position of a woman in this community, from legal status to real life, from growing up to engagement and marriage, in which she acquired the status of matron – mistress of the house, you can find out at the first thematic guidance.