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Ksenija Divjak – Between Reality and Myth

National Museum Kraljevo Trg Svetog Save 2, Kraljevo, Србија

The backbone of the exhibition, whose authors are Suzana Novčić and Ljubiša Simović, museum advisors of the National Museum Kraljevo, consists of works from the museum's Art Collection, of which there are 33 in total. In addition, in order to fully present the work of Ksenija Divjak, the exhibition also includes a significant number of works of art from other institutions: the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, the Gallery of Fine Arts – Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzić in Novi Sad, the Modern Gallery in Valjevo, and the Art Gallery “Nadežda Petrović” in Čačak.

Census 1863

National Museum Kraljevo Trg Svetog Save 2, Kraljevo, Србија

The books “Census of 1863” I-II cover Karanovac and the Karanovac District (Book I) and villages outside the Karanovac District, today part of the City of Kraljevo (Book II), and were published by the National Museum Kraljevo, and were prepared by Bojana Miljković Katić, PhD and Nemanja Trifunović. These are prepared historical sources of the first order – a census of people, real estate and income from 1863, for the territory of today's City of Kraljevo, which is one of the most important historical sources for the demographic, economic and social history of Serbia in the 19th century.

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